Shaping the eye.
Here as you can see on the right, I've extruded some edges from the inside part of the eye.
Extruded the edge's a few more times and shaped the corner part of the eye using a good reference picture as a guide.
Extruded the marked edges to form the shiny wet part that you can see in the photo. Here's another mesh update Base Mesh 17.
I've added more detail around the eye, where its marked yellow notice I've added 3 edges this is for when the eye shuts you have extra edges to playing with, where its marked green notice the top eyelid over laps the bottom one slightly.
Another view of the eye showing the edges a bit more clearly.
I've remodeled the head to fit the pose in the picture then I've added detail around the mouth. Sorry but its time for the last mesh update Base Mesh 18, I've done the hard bits which are the shape of the eye and the nose and mouth.
I'm going to be adding more detail like wrinkles around the eye. Feel free to practice adding more detail, its always worth remembering you have to make sure your happy with the shape of your head before you start adding detail, because with polygons the more detail you add the harder and more time it will that to deform and shape.


Above I've started making the teeth. I've started with just a single polygon.
Extruded and shaped some more.
Shaped a single tooth.
Then I've copied the tooth and moved them along.