Select the single edge selected
and extrude and merge the two edges
marked red.
Now extrude the 3 edges marked
green and merge the one marked red.
So here's the mesh for far,
and its time for another mesh update
Base Mesh 8.
Select and extrude the two
selected edges scale them in like in
the picture, this is going to be where
the mouth is.
Select the 3 marked edges
and extrude.
Extrude the marked edges.
Marked green, extrude the
edge's again and marked red, merge the
Marked green: extrude. Marked
red: merged the edge. Mesh update Base Mesh 9.
Where its marked green extrude
the edge and I've deleted a point to
make a triangle, then where its marked
red select the edges ready for the next
Marked green the edges extruded
again, and time for another mesh update
Base Head 10.
The next edges to be extruded.